Girl sitting in front of a laptop

You are finally ready to hire. But, if you tell the truth, you are still kind of nervous and anxious. You are wondering “How on earth will I find the right person to do what I need?”

I won’t lie to you… it won’t be easy. The phrase is “building the perfect team” because that’s what it is — building. You won’t be able to pick workers out of a stack of resumes and have them seamlessly integrate into your team… but you might have something better.

Your team will be built with people — flawed, unique, and constantly growing. Hiring the right candidate is just the foundation of your build. If you give yourself enough space and time, you’ll be able to mentor your team to be the best versions of themselves, and they will thrive as your company (and revenue!) skyrockets. 

Hiring the right person comes down to having a comprehensive and detailed understanding of what it is that you need. This can include anything from tiny process improvements to a high-level understanding of a niche market you are trying to break into. 

It also requires you to have a pragmatic understanding of the way you work. What soft skills do your employees need in order to succeed under your watch? Do you need independent workers or over-communicators? What is your culture?

The search can seem overwhelming, but I help break everything down for my clients,, step by step. I’m your partner in the process. You literally press the “EASY” button when you hire my team and I. We make it less overwhelming and find the perfect person for your team.

If this sounds like a dream— good news — just click here to book a complimentary call with me.

Barbara Mason is a career consultant that brings over 20 years Human Resources experience and has been in senior level roles for Fortune 500 companies. She is the owner and CEO of Career Pathways Consulting and her passion is helping career professionals stay, flow, or go in their career.

To learn more about working with her, visit